The USA is not a democracy! It never was…
Categorised in: Words from Sandra
I have heard many highly educated people refer to our country as a democracy. Wrong! It never was. It is a republic. Just say the pledge of allegiance… “the Republic for which it stands”.
A republic is based upon law…our constitution. In a republic, the people vote to control their country within the parameters of the base of law or the constitutional stipulations. This eliminates big government, tyranny and dictators. The fact that the people are voting gives a republic a democratic function, not law. The three divisions of the republic which were formed to keep each branch from having too much power, have stepped out of their original bounds of function. Chaos and injustice prevails.
In a true democracy, laws are based upon vote of the people with no standard or basis upon which to make their decisions. In a dictatorship, laws are based upon the dictator’s mood and whim of the moment. A pure democracy is similar to a dictatorship but more than one person is making the laws. Hopefully the people of a democracy or dictatorship are wise and kind to all. Sorrowfully, history has not shown that to be the case.
I have been privileged to travel much of the globe. Everywhere I go, people yearn to come to my country…the United States of America… Republic (USA). Many countries which have fought for their independence have formed republics, trying to replicate what we have had for over 200 years.
This election, we need to decide if we want to restore our nation to a republic or to continue on the road to socialism which always ends in communism if given enough time. As citizens of this republic, we have the privilege and responsibility to vote. The reason we are mostly in this mess, is because we have not voted or did not make the time to study issues and candidate platforms.
I want to respectfully and lovingly encourage and urge all who live in this country but embrace socialism, to move away from the USA to any of the many countries which have that form of government. I encourage all who want to embrace a republic to vote for it. Long live my Republic!!
Sandra S. Skinner-Young
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