Happy New Year 2015

Categorised in: Words from Sandra
I realize that the Christmas Holiday for many of you is not merry and can be one of the most difficult times of the year, second only to Easter.
I am happy to report that many of my clients have reported the best “getting through” Halloween and Christmas ever! They achieved this by being faithful to themselves. This means choosing to fully accept who we truly are. We do that by realizing we are a glorious human being created in the image of God Almighty. Each of us has a unique design to enable us to accomplish our magnificent purpose and destiny. Only when we enter into our true identity can we function well in our authority.
Many of you have exquisite gifts and talents, which the enemy of our soul wants to use for the kingdom of darkness. This can happen in any setting, not only on the depths of deep occult organizations. Anything which detours you from the perfect will of God for your life is hijacking your privileged existence.
We are filled with God. All that He did I shall do. This is the soul secret of Christianity, the point of departure from all other religion; power from on high. Jesus said, “It is best for you that I go away. If I do, I will send the Holy Spirit upon you,” John 16:7. Read it.
I bless you with the great joy, wisdom, and the freedom of knowing more fully this year, your true identity and all that it entails.