Halloween Celebration Not

Categorised in: Words from Sandra
It was Halloween Night. Our house was all dark and totally uninviting to any would -be “trick or treaters”. We planned it that way! Then, all of a sudden, the door bell rang… repeatedly. My indignation quickly simmered when the opened door revealed three precious children chorusing before me, “Trick or Treat!!” One was costumed as a skeleton, another was a zombie or some such ugly monster, and the other a story book princess. Their big pillow cases were held widely open and their heads held upward with anticipation of receiving sugary treats. I said that I was sorry to disappoint them, but the people in our house did not celebrate death, fear, evil and ugliness. We only celebrate life, beauty, goodness and peace. They stood like statues for what seemed a long time. As if on command, they quickly turned and ran as fast as their little legs would carry them. As they crossed the big lawn, the little girl shouted to the adult female waiting at the curb, “These people don’t celebrate death, fear, evil and ugliness here, only life, beauty, goodness and peace!”
I used to give treats out with the salvation message attached but then realized that participation is assent. I stopped all together.
When my children were young, we celebrated Halloween. I was very ignorant of the spiritual realm then. We did hear about mysterious terrible happenings around that time of year. One Halloween someone was actually putting razor blades into apples given to children. Once I learned that we were honoring occult evil practices and thereby actually inviting evil spirits, we stopped. I realize children have fun and enjoy costuming and of course, getting all the candy. So, my church allowed me to start a tradition of celebrating All Saints’ Day instead of Halloween. The costumes were of Biblical or historical church characters and stories. The men made fresh doughnuts and the event was a blast with shadow plays and other entertainment within a warm, dry, safe building. Yes, there was a lot of candy!
Why am I writing this? Because so many people still do not know what they are doing on Halloween. Ignorance or not knowing or understanding, does not prevent us from the impact of an experience. Since there is such a great invitation to the evil spirits at this time of year, there is an abundance of them!
For those people who know they have been involved with the occult and therefore, demons, or still are harassed by the demonic, this time of year is especially frightening and difficult. Most complex dissociative persons have this problem.
Many people have hidden trauma. Their brain sealed off the trauma and they do not consciously remember it, but their body still holds the memories because the trauma has not yet been healed. This is also a very difficult time for them, especially if their trauma was caused by satanic rituals or similar cultic practices. They may say,” I hate this time of year but I’m not sure why.”
I began ministering in Europe in 1990. The concept as we know it was not practiced. Slowly, signs of celebrating Halloween grew until presently, it is very popular. It is now the second most celebrated time of year in our country. There are entire stores established just for this celebration. This means that the prevalence and degree of evil spiritual influences are stronger than ever before.
This is a time to educate and do those things necessary to specially protect yourself and family and friends from evil influences’ destruction. I hope you have been enlightened. Do your own homework. Beth has prepared a fine article to help you weather this storm much better. It is a featured article entitled Safety for Halloween: How do you keep yourself safe with major occult holy-days?
Have a delightful All Saints’ Day!