Change for You

Categorised in: Words from Sandra
In our last presidential campaign, we heard a lot about change. That notion was highly prized, or so it seemed. Now that we have a new administration, some of the “changes” are being scrutinized with some regret. Change is called for when the current status, procedure, state of affairs, etc. is not serving the best interest of the constituency it was designed to serve. Change for change’s sake is a ridiculous waste of time and energy. Changes made in a timely manner improving a situation is wisdom.
This month we are addressing some of the import and impact of change in healing. Our big change here at A.C.A.C.I.A. for 2010 is to provide fresh new topics each month for you.
We have heard from clients in Europe whom we have had the privilege of serving, that the articles are very beneficial. Some of the materials remind them of the teachings at seminars or during actual counseling sessions. The easy accessibility to the principles and ideas has facilitated their healing. This is such good news.
That concept was the driving force for establishing a website! That encouragement was a major factor for this decision. We will be sharing some of those reports and some wonderfully creative art forms. Yes, it presents more labor demand and perhaps stress to get the articles completed for the deadlines. We believe this change will greatly benefit our constituency and is worth the effort to implement it. We hope you will agree. I bless you to be very intentional and to purpose to be focused in this fresh, exciting New Year.