Safety for Wee Ones

Categorised in: Wee's World
You are very precious and valuable. God the Creator wanted you to be safe and happy in your childhood. Sometimes the big people around you do not take care of you like they should. You get hurt or scared or left all alone. This makes God the Creator sad and He wants to help you. You can talk to Him and tell Him whatever you are feeling. You can ask for help including asking safe, big people for help.
Inside you probably know when another person feels good or feels bad to be around. Safe people don’t scream or threaten or push you to do what feels yucky or uncomfortable. There are times when we may have to get a shot which is hurts or take bad tasting medicine when we are sick. The adults who are caring for us should kindly explain what it is for, what to expect, help you do it as easily as possible and to bring you back to joy after you have had the shot or medicine.
You don’t have to be quiet when someone is scaring or hurting you. Keeping dark secrets is not helpful for you or anyone else. Did you know you have a right to speak up and let people know when you are being hurt? You have a voice and a choice, no matter what bad people say. You can yell or cry to get attention if you are being hurt. Is there a relative, neighbor, teacher, counselor or person at church who might listen? You can even call 911 for the police if it is really bad. If no one listens or helps, keep asking for help until someone does listen. If it is wrong, then safe big people need to know in order to make things right.
Hiding or going away in your mind works for a little bit, but not all the time. Do something to change the situation; don’t pretend it is ok when it is not. If one part of you is being hurt then all of you hurts too. You need to get help to become safe.
If you are inside a big person and they aren’t listening, you can speak up and let them know what is truly happening. Please try to be kind when you are talking to parts of yourself. Remember you want people to be nice to you too.
It is good to listen to music that makes you feel happy. Coloring, drawing and writing can help you tell your story to yourself or others. Talking to pets or stuffed animals can feel good too. The Bible is recorded on CD’s or cassettes so you can listen to your favorite parts. Being reminded of how much God loves you is very encouraging. Take care of yourself, you are worth more than anything else in the universe.
Feeling safe is important so you can grow up and be healthy. God the Creator wants to help you find a safe happy place for you to learn and grow strong.
It has been fun talking to you and I hope to talk together again soon.