My Outside Person

Categorised in: Wee's World
Think about taking a walk and looking at a house from the sidewalk. You are a lot like that house. The part of you other people see, the Host, is like the outside of the house which gets the rain or wind. When you are with people, this part of you answers to your name. At a party, the host lets you in, welcomes you and tells you about the fun you will have. It is very important that all of you and your host become very special friends, so that all of you can be happy and healthy. Sometimes there can be more than one host.
The host is a special protector who lets people in and out. The host has the keys to the front door. If the door stays locked, no one can go inside or out. Who you are on the outside is different from who you are on the inside. Looking at the house from the street, the house might look big or small, cozy or boring from the outside. Once you step in the door it is totally different. Each room might be a different color with different furniture and feel different or seem separate from other rooms. You may not even know that there are other rooms in the house you cannot see! In the same way, if the Host doesn’t know your inside parts, they can’t be as helpful to all of you.
Sometimes the Host can seem bossy or not nice at times. First I hope you can see how they are trying to help you survive in the best way they know how. They are just trying to protect you. Saying “thank you” for doing their job can make you better friends. I am writing this so that you can ask them to read this and listen to you. I am writing this so that you can ask them to read this and listen to you.
Your Host might not know about the little parts of you inside or the angry strong parts of you. The more that every part of you, the alters, talk together and help each other, the stronger you are. These are like the separate rooms in your house and each one is special. You need every part of you. Even if you don’t like the basement because it is dark and damp, the house needs it or it would fall down. So I hope you will knock on every door inside yourself and see who is inside every room. Ask the True Lord Jesus to go with you and shine his light so you all see better and can be safe.
What if your Host doesn’t listen or know about you? I would like to speak now to the denial parts that don’t want to look at the pain. Thank you for your hard work ! Your job is too much for one alter. Life will go better and you won’t have to work so hard if you listen to what you hear inside your head. No, it is not silly, crazy or bad. You are simply like a broken dolly or truck now from the bad things we call abuse . But, if you listen to your parts inside, they can give you some important stories about yourself, so that you can be put back together. If you all talk, you have more power like a super hero. You can stay more safe with the understanding of the other parts.
I pray that the True Lord Jesus sends you someone who will understand and help you heal. Your Creator wants you to have a good, happy life. You can get to know who He really is in the book called The Bible. The Bible is like his letters to you. Let him fill you with his beautiful, clean love. I bless your spirit to be strong, full of courage and hope.