Getting to Know All the Wee Ones…and Others Too!

Categorised in: Wee's World
Who are you? I don’t mean just what is your name, but who are you inside? What do you like or dislike? What is fun for you to do? What is scary? What is too hard for you? Do you have friends and people who care about you?
By answering these kinds of questions it can help paint a picture of who you are. Yes, you can paint a real picture with a brush or finger paints. You can also make a picture with words. In that way you can share what your needs are with others. It is important to get to know yourself and learn to trust yourself. One good way is to ask questions inside yourself and of others.
Maybe you can have a party and invite all your parts to tell about themselves. Make sure it is in a safe, friendly place and that everyone is invited. You can have the party inside or outside as long as everyone takes turns expressing themselves. Then be polite and listen to what everyone has to say. It is nice to have paper, crayons, markers or other drawing supplies so that even the ones who can’t talk still can share how they feel.
A blank book or journal is great for those who know how to write, so they can use their own handwriting to show their feelings.
You might be surprised that the ones who don’t seem friendly have good reasons for feeling that way. Sometimes we think someone is stuck up or proud when they really are just shy or scared. Sometimes a person acts mean because they are trying to protect someone else. Remember to always treat each other the way you want to be treated.
If someone seems scary to be around, maybe they can write a letter or send a voice message explaining why they act the way they do. Or even use a movie screen where they can project their story to you. You might ask Jesus to bind any demons first- it usually helps them be less mean.
Ask those inside to describe what their jobs are. Usually that is a subject that all but the smallest children can handle. Some parts have had to do terribly hard jobs and would like to take a break or get some help. Jesus and His angels can help them if you ask. Just remind them that no one has to “go away” or disappear just because their job changes. You can never lose a part of yourself—all of you are important, but parts might be hiding or locked up somewhere.
God made you very special; there is no one else just the same as you. You are like a beautiful painting that God is working on with your help. You are worth more than a million dollars and that is why it is so fun to get to know all of you.