Christmas Fun and Fears

Categorised in: Wee's World
Hi! I used to say that to my daddy and he would laugh and tell me that he was no higher today than he was yesterday. I thought that was a little weird.
We talked before about how Jesus Christ became a little baby and completely understands how it is to be a child. I am really excited because we are having a B….I…..G birthday party for him this month of December. I love birthday parties! Do you?
People are celebrating all over the world. The party is called Christmas. Did you see his name? CHRIST. Can you believe that some of the very people, who are all excitedly celebrating, do not even know it is the birthday of Jesus Christ? That is really WEIRD!
It seems to be the favorite time of year for a lot of folks. When they think of Christmas, they think of love and peace, beautiful music, carolers, candy canes, popcorn balls, cookies, presents and SANTA! I know that for some of you it is really scary. Jesus loves us. A once good angel turned bad angel hates us and wants to destroy all people. That bad angel is called Satan. He wants the world to forget Jesus. If we forget Jesus or do not believe in Him, then we have no hope of living forever with gentle, all-powerful Jesus. Satan has tricked many people to make this holy celebration time, a season of doing yucky bad things, especially to little people. Sometimes the big people get drunk and yell and are scary too. I am so sorry if this has happened to you!!!!!
Satan usually makes all the Christian Holidays difficult for a lot of the people who are dissociative. Oh, dissociative is a big word, which means people who broke when they were hurt. Sometimes they hear voices inside their heads. Maybe you broke when you were hurt. Our toys break sometimes when we hurt them. It is helpful just to know that. It’s like it is helpful to know that your nice clean clothes will get all dirty if you splat in the mud puddle. Just knowing helps us choose not to do it then and to wait until we have grubby clothes on and no one will care if we get dirty. If we know Christmas could be scary, then we can do things to help stop the scary feelings.
Ask Jesus to help you think of the things which seem scary. It could be the flashing lights on the Christmas tree. In that case, you might stay away from trees, which have flashing lights. It could be certain people. In that case, tell someone you trust. Ask them to be with you if a scary person is around so you can feel more safe. If possible, do not be with them.If you are a little person inside an adult, ask them to help you find what you are afraid of and help protect you.
It always helps to pray. That means to talk to God Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Ask Him to be your shield around you. A shield protects us from things coming at us, which would hurt us. You might like to look up some verses in the Bible having the word “shield”. Just saying these promises out loud, even yelling them can be fun sometimes and helps a lot.
Many other people tell me that beautiful music helps too. In this season, one of my favorite beautiful songs is Away in the Manger. I especially like the part of the verse that says, Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay close by me forever and love me I pray.
I encourage you to read the carols of Christmas and to take comfort in what they tell you. Maybe you can ask someone to help you find them for you. They might have fun singing them with you or even better…..go caroling with you!!!!
We are making a pretty yummy birthday cake at my house to make sure we do not forget what all the decorating and special activities are really about.
Merry Christmas and may the Christ Child be alive in your heart this season.
Oh, don’t forget to leave Santa some cookies!