Blessing Your Spirit Part 2 (Video)
Categorised in: Topical Teachings, Video Blogs by Beth
Blessing Your Spirit Part 2
Beth Shewchuk
Video Transcript:
Hi, I’m Beth Shewchuk. I’m a licensed professional counselor, and I’m glad that you’re joining me today for having your spirit blessed. But I would like to make sure that you’ve looked at the introductory video that I made that comes before this. If you haven’t seen that one, see it now, please. CLICK HERE to go to the previous video.
Friends, I invite you to connect with the Holy Spirit, and let His breath blow through you and speak truth to your spirit. I kindly ask your soul to step aside so that I could invite your spirit, your human spirit, to come to the front and listen to this blessing.
So you were there when God created you in the womb. At conception, God breathed on you and your spirit was activated. God designed for your spirit to grow and be nurtured by your parents, and I’m so sorry that they probably didn’t know how to do that. But it’s not too late. God wanted your spirit to grow before your brain and your body had developed so that it would be full and strong and ready for life with your spirit faced forward into life. Sometimes bad things happen and your spirit wants to turn away, but now is the time to invite your spirit and allow it to turn toward life and hear from the Holy Spirit, who’s drawing you, calling you forward to be nurtured by Him and by the truth of God.
God designed your spirit to lead over your soul and not the other way around. Most times in this world things are soul-based, teaching is for your soul. People talk to your soul and your mind and your body and you feed your body, but in the same way, you need to nurture and feed your spirit. I’m sure you do it sometimes when you’re in worship at church, and hear the songs, and your spirit is soaring. That’s delightful, but we want to intentionally feed our spirits because they need nurture to lead wisely. When you ask the Holy Spirit, He will give your spirit wisdom so that you can grow and learn and be wise. If your soul leads life, it’s not going to work very well.
But when you’re connected to your Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit and hear from Jesus and walk with Him, just like His spirit blessed His disciples, you can receive that blessing in your spirit. Then life will work a lot better. You have more reserves and more wisdom to go on. As your spirit expands, it can become more balanced as you grow in the Holy Spirit. He is your comforter, your counselor, your guide, and the one who comes alongside you.
So as your spirit is listening to this, I would like to share some teaching that Arthur Burk does that he calls The Seven Redemptive Gifts and Blessing Your Spirit. Those seven gifts are from the passage in Romans 12:6 where he says,
“We all have different gifts according to the grace given us. If a person’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve. If it is teaching, let him teach. If it is encouraging, let him encourage. If it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously. If it is leadership …” (or ruling is the word that Burk uses) “… let him give diligently. If it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.”
So I’m going to use in the series ahead those seven redemptive gifts as applied to your spirit. As we look at Jesus, He had all seven gifts that He used to the fullest. He’s our example, our model. So I invite your spirit to start wondering, what is my spirit like? Does it have the potential to have those gifts? What’s my dominant gift? What leads me? Do I like to think things through like a teacher? Am I more heart-driven like a mercy? Am I more visionary like a prophet? So I just want to bless all of your spirit today, but we’re gonna go further with this teaching as I bless individual portions.
So right now, spirit, I am so thankful that I got to connect with you and connect to you with God, the Father, Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and let them breathe life into your spirit to energize, to align, to restore, to clean, to fill you up so that you can receive all the good things God has planned for you. I bless your spirit to come over your soul and lead the way. I bless your soul to be receiving from the Holy Spirit and come over your body and rule it wisely. I bless all of you to just be filled up with the joy of the Lord, which is your strength. So I bless you in every way, in Jesus’ name. Amen. I hope to see you soon. Goodbye.