The Genuine Christmas

Categorised in: Topical Teachings
Topical Teaching
Christmas is a wonderful time to reflect on the miracle of Jesus’ conception and birth and to celebrate. For those who have undergone certain kinds of abuse, Christmas and other Christian holidays can be difficult and even tormenting. Don’t despair. The God who loves you will help you through!
Many do not celebrate December 25th because they know that it was not the birthday of Jesus Christ as westerners usually think of a birthday. Regretfully, their ignorance of eastern ways of thinking and legalism excludes them from participating in one of the most wonderful times of the year. Other people suffer memories of past hurtful holiday seasons which blight the current one.
The Holy Bible tells us in Hosea 4:6 that God’s people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge. I know some precious people who in good faith think they are being very pious by not celebrating Christmas. They are actually rude to others who want to express their love to them at this most loving time of year. Of course they rarely celebrate Christ’s Birthday at any other time of year either.
In her fall 2008 “Exploits Newsletter ” Christine Darg addressed this issue. The following excerpts are taken from that publication. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church reports that by the end of the 5th Century, most of the Western Church had adopted the 25th of December as the birth of Christ but that date has never been universally accepted. It is actually the date pagans celebrated the rebirth of the sun. At that time in history, many compromises were being made in the Church for political gain and peace at all costs.
When the Holy Angel, Gabriel, told Mary, the mother of Jesus (Yeshua), that she would bear the Son of God [Luke 1:26- 38], he also informed her that another miracle was already in the making. Her cousin, Elizabeth, who had been barren and was advanced in age, was already six months pregnant.
Elizabeth’s husband, Zechariah, was a priest of the division of Abijah. We know from 1 Chronicles 24:10 the sequence when each of the priestly divisions took their turns on temple duty. There we discover that Abijah’s division had the eighth lot, meaning the second part of the fourth month of the Jewish religious year on the Hebraic Calendar. Remember, the Jewish people have a civil and a religious new year. The religious New Year begins with the month Nisan, (March-April). If the first lot fell in Mid -March, then Zechariah was on duty mid-July to mid -August. Zechariah had been on duty in the temple when the same angel, Gabriel, told him that they would have a son to called John [John the Baptist]. If we assume that the priests did their two weeks on duty “back to back”, theologians tell us precisely what time of the year this happened. “The priests took their turns on duty and returned home to observe four days of abstinence. They calculate that it is now day 116 of the religious year-and Elizabeth conceives John immediately since this is a divinely inspired conception.”
Luke I: 39-tells us,“Now at this time Mary arose and went with haste to the hill country, to a city of Judah and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. And it came about, that when Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” Babies are able to “know” in their spirit even before their biological brains are finished developing and baby John responded to the presence of Jesus. See Insights: The Original Person’s Surviving Coping Mechanism for more understanding of this. I think ” filling” in this case means that the Holy Spirit gave a word of revelation, that is, told Elizabeth something, which she would not ordinarily be able to know. It goes on to say in verse 42, ” And she cried out with a loud voice, and said, “Blessed among women are you, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!”
According to theologians’ calculations, since Mary conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit when Elizabeth was in the sixth month of her pregnancy, the Incarnation would have been in December. Isn’t it interesting to think that is around the time of Hanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights? December is when the Light of the World came to dwell among us! The article so aptly states, ” Therefore it is likely that at Hanukah, the Feast of Dedication, the Son of God, who existed before all things, dedicated himself to be our Atoning Sacrifice and took flesh to be incarcerated for nine months in a virgin’s womb.”
Conception is when life begins. We could say conception is our real birthday or eastern thinking birthday. The normal human gestation is 9 months. The true western thinking birthday would put the nativity around September-October during the time of the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. The bible speaks in John 1:14 about Jesus coming to tabernacle among us. This also solves the problem of shepherds with their sheep at night. It can be cold in December in Israel. It is still mild in early fall. I highly regard Christine Darg’s ministry and encourage you to support it. The ministry, which can be accessed at:
Our Lord Jesus lived in the east. The Bible is Israel centered. Even today, a Chinese birthday is calculated at conception rather than the day the child comes from the mother’s body. This makes a lot of sense medically, since the birth process can prematurely occur. Sometimes the birth is even forced physically or pharmacologically, sadly, often for the sake of convenience.
People who have grown up in agonizing poverty may still suffer the conditioning of the pain of want and need, especially at this time of year. Watching other children joyfully play with their new toys, sport their new clothes or show off their gifts of electronic amazement often indelibly write on the heart of a child, that “tis the season of hurt and deprivation rather to be jolly”.
There are people who worship Satan and who practice the occult. When life experiences teach us that we cannot trust people, we usually look for power to give us a sense of security. We usually commit ourselves to something because of what it will do for us and we believe in it. Obviously, some people find what that fallen angel offers to be attractive. There is a book about The Beautiful Side of Evil by Johanna Michaelsen, which illuminates this. We know that after a given amount of time of being a follower of Satan, people become aware of the truth. The idea of commitment is no longer “voluntary or chosen” but imposed and often done so with threats and acts to assure the member of the validity of the threats. Fortunately some people wisely risk whatever it takes to get free from the mandatory enslavement. Others are forever condemned to the increasing darkness and death in their lives and the lives of their committed families.
Some people were born into the families of followers. Their parents reared their children by the Satanic Bible. The children knew no difference anymore than a child of a Christian family. The child is indoctrinated and trained in the parents’ belief system and participates in the activities/rituals of that structure.
For instance, thousands of Christian parents strongly believe in the advice of Dr. James Dobson, a renowned psychologist and Christian Activist They want the best for their children and employ the Biblically based principles, which he advises with their children. Although it may be difficult for some of us to appreciate, Satanists firmly believe in their truth and want their children to be privileged to access all the evil one has promised them and therefore, teach their children those principles.
I have worked with many people who have had a difficult time deciding if they want to actually renounce the Satanic promises of being an important part of the new world order. You see, it seems glorious, full of power, and great opportunity! They do not know hOw the story ends as told in Revelation or they choose to deny its truth. I also like to express the truth that The Creator is a l l powerful and even created Satan in order to give us a choice so that we would not be mere puppets but creatures of free will to choose our eternal glorious destiny as God planned or what the evil one wants for us. It is important to be sure that in spite of what Ol’ Blue Eyes sang, ” I did it my way.” we do not do it our way! We choose between God’s plan and evil.
Many years ago, I had returned home after spending a week working with a client and a clinical deprogrammer. It seemed that the entire time was filled with darkness, evil, terror, witchcraft, and in fact, every imaginable assortment of occultism. The defilement and oppression was extremely heavy and disgusting. I fell on my face on the floor and cried out to God. I told Him that I hated even the knowledge of this evil and yet it seemed that I had an insurmountable, immense amount of learning to do in order to know about all the evil crafts etc,. I thought that the knowledge would be necessary to do effective prayer counseling with my clients. He tenderly spoke, “Daughter, Satan can only at best mimic Me. Press in and Learn of Me, the word and my Kingdom Principles. Then you will always know what how to lovingly minister to my children. That has so far proven true. Of course, I have leaned a lot about the occult world via my work with clients but I have not purposed to.
The children of satanic families did know that Christmas as other Christian Holidays can be hell on earth for them. The satanic holiday practices are so despicable, profane, evil, torturous and debauched, that to mention them in detail would defile this article’s intent. There will be future articles featuring specific helps for holiday anxiety containment and management.
Amazingly, many people do not know that something they did involved them in this satanic culture. They may be ignorant of the fact that their family or past generations were involved and now the commitments ancestors made on their progeny’s behalf are afflicting them. They complain of paranormal experiences, increased trouble sleeping, bizarre fears or reactions to the flashing decorative lights, the abundance of the color ‘red’ and mostly the aura of unidentifiable fear which at times clutches at their stomach at this time of year.
Those of you who are survivors of satanic ritual abuse or other forms of wounding will do well to pay attention to the “cause” of some of the fears and log them for referencing when working with your therapist.
I hope and pray that all of you can freely and happily celebrate the reason for the season and experience it as the most wonderful time of the year without the trappings of old hurts and the resurgence of pain from long ago. At least, if some of the negative does surface, you are in the ” know” to pay attention to the situations, log them and begin the productive journey to discover the roots, apply the Healing Process and end at freedom. For this we can indeed be extremely grateful and happy.
**Biblical references are taken from the Ryrie Study Bible