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Reporters and Saboteurs

Safety is of vital concern to anyone who has been traumatized. It often drives your thoughts, feelings and choices. “Is...

Self Defense Systems Which Can Destroy Your Life

People who dissociate were broken due to trauma. The child learned to make alters who could protect in times of...

Getting to Know All About Me

How do you get acquainted with yourself? How do you find out what is going on inside? That may seem...

Change: The Necessary Choice for Healing

Change happens to everyone whether they choose it or not. Some changes are exciting and anticipated. Other changes are fraught...

Why is Safety So Important?

If you are busy being on guard and trying to protect yourself, the healing process will be greatly slowed down...

The Original Person’s Survival Coping Mechanism

Hundreds of people to whom I have ministered, have had a nagging fear that they are insane. They may have...

The Original Person

Psalm 139 tells us that we have been created in the image of God. That is to say we have...

Christmas Note 2015

It is December already and Christmas again. I wanted to send a quick note of greeting and to pass along...

Halloween Celebration Not

It was Halloween Night. Our house was all dark and totally uninviting to any would -be “trick or treaters”. We...

The Sting of Labels

We are featuring articles about labels and their impact upon the dissociative person’s life. I hope you take the time...