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Safety for Wee Ones

You are very precious and valuable. God the Creator wanted you to be safe and happy in your childhood. Sometimes...

Changes for Wee Ones

Change happens to everyone. Some changes are exciting and some are scary. Your body changes as you grow. If someone...

Getting to Know All the Wee Ones…and Others Too!

Who are you? I don’t mean just what is your name, but who are you inside? What do you like...

Our Super Heros: Protectors

Do you ever get scared? Of course you do! Everyone is afraid sometimes. Once you are hurt, you don’t want...

Tattle Tale! Tattle Tale!

How do they know that??????!!!!! Did you wonder this sometimes? You do your best to hide behind the couch or...

My Outside Person

Think about taking a walk and looking at a house from the sidewalk. You are a lot like that house....

Easter: The Real Story

Easter is the most significant holy-day in the Christian faith. The focus of Christ’s life was to die for our...

Safety for Halloween: How do you keep yourself safe with major occult holy-days?

Of utmost importance is that you surrender yourself as fully as you can to Jehovah-God. Ask for His covering and...


When you look at a bottle and see “salt” on the label, you expect white crystals to be inside. When...

My Public Persona: The Host

How would you describe your friend Sue or Joe? Probably the first descriptive words you would use include what you...