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The Role of the Host

I only remember one event of meeting a client for the first time and never again meeting that particular alter...

The Amazing Protector Maze

A major goal when working with the dissociative client is to find, befriend, and elicit the help of the protector/s....

The Function of Reporters and Saboteurs

Many people with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) become extremely frustrated due to interesting situations in which they find themselves compromised...

Tools for Discovering Facets of the DID Person

When I think of this topic, the song lyrics, “Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You…”, by...

Change Factors in Healing

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. The initial step to change is the admission that...

Assessing Safety Needs for People with DID

People have to be safe to heal.  Persons who have suffered significant trauma in their lives have learned to be...

Our King Can Put Humpty Dumpty Together Again!

Understanding DID “We don’t know what to do with these people!  They are pouring off the streets into our home...

Busy Bees

Today was garbage pick-up day at my house. I scurried around the rooms to empty the waste baskets. When I...

Wee’s World Introduction

I love to hear the sound of children laughing!  It is music to my ears. You two year olds learn...

Christmas Fun and Fears

Hi! I used to say that to my daddy and he would laugh and tell me that he was no...