What is Prayer Counseling?

Categorised in: Foundational Teaching
Foundational Teaching
Divine Healing is for the ills of humankind and is accomplished by the power of God through the prayer of faith and by the laying on of hands.
A prayer counselor does not minister as a secular therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist. Nor is a prayer counselor a Christian who does secular counseling. Those principles of psychology which happen to also be Biblical Principles are honored by the prayer counselor. Christian prayer counselors do not use hypnosis.
Emotional and behavioral wholeness is chiefly affected by replacing erroneous, destructive and self-defeating belief systems with appropriate truth based in the Word of God and in the love and forgiveness available in the person of Jesus Christ.
Mark 16:18 James 5:14,15 1 Peter 2:2 Matthew 8:17 Isaiah 53:4-5
Until all of the Church is better equipped (Ephesians 4:12) and until the Church stands in unity of purpose and faith, prepared and glorified as the Bride of the Lord for His return, we are His instruments for the sanctification and transformation of God’s children.
Prayer Counseling Ministry applies the blood, cross, and resurrection life of our Lord Jesus Christ to the wounds and practices in our lives, in order to set us free to achieve the destiny God created for us. These are applied by Biblical Counsel and prayer, but it is prayer which is the basis of all our ministry.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are used as appropriate. Administration of holy water, anointing with oil, laying on of hands, offering Holy Communion and worship and praise are also part of the ministry.
Sanctification is the process by which Holy Spirit brings us to more holiness and newness of life in Him.
Transformation is the process of sanctification in which the Holy Spirit transforms all our degradations to glory, our weaknesses to strengths, our deserts to gardens of blessing and ashes to beauty. This means Satan has won no victories whatsoever. Romans 8:28 is true—”All things do work together for good of those who are called according to His purpose.”
We are not problem-centered, nor do we attempt or want to change our life history. But we allow the Holy Spirit to change history’s effect in our lives so all areas of our life can be cherished and valued as we are changed by Christ from one degree of glory to another into His likeness. (2 Corinthians 3:18).
As prayer counselors, this also calls us to constant death of “self” on the cross in the attempt to allow the Holy Spirit to write His laws in our hearts. This produces more pure vessels through which the love and power of God can flow to his children.
I hope this answers the question.