Assessing Safety Needs for People with DID

Categorised in: Professional Resources
People have to be safe to heal. Persons who have suffered significant trauma in their lives have learned to be hyper-vigilant. They are also highly susceptible to many triggers which ignite terrifying thoughts, emotions and often produce body memories as well. These triggering sounds, sights, odors, tastes, touches or thoughts may be perceived by the general population as harmless. The need to spend time with a client initially and periodically to discover the producers of fear and the sense of being unsafe, is a critical aspect of our responsibility to enlarge their capacity for healing.
The assessment for safety needs is two-fold. It is external and internal. The components are environments, relationships, identity, the senses, language, attire, values, thoughts, feelings, actions and the spiritual realm. We are going to address the environments and relationships in this issue. It is not enough to only know the producers of the perceptions of being unsafe. It is necessary to employ the applications of discovery which will bring relief through freedom from fear.
“The need to spend time with a client initially and periodically to discover the producers of fear and the sense of being unsafe is a critical aspect of our responsibility to enlarge their capacity for healing.”
The following information is useful for interventions dealing with only primary parts or individual alters. Dr. Tom Hawkins addresses “Primary Parts” in The Advanced Conference on DID materials in our store.
Many times one will discover that the external world is reproduced in the internal world or worlds. Once a cause for alarm, a “trigger”, has been found externally, it is wise to go inside to find the aspect of the person who is knowledgeable about that cause. It may or may not be that alter who is experiencing the fear. Be thorough. Get as much information from as many parts as possible on the topic. This makes for a more complete picture and broader possibility for resolution. Be sure to ask if this same thing is happening inside. If so, when, where, how, and to whom? It is wise to avoid the question “Why?” because it often is too difficult to answer and puts people on the defensive but asking the motivation usually gets a better response.
“Your clients are very creative. Encourage them to give their mind permission to imagine a place perceived as safe to them.”
It is greatly comforting to establish a “safe place” inside. Your clients are very creative. Encourage them to give their mind permission to imagine a place perceived as safe to them.
We often invite Jesus Christ to construct a safe place inside. He knows the total person in detail. It is incredible to hear the clients report what they are experiencing. Often different alters report what they see. It is always a delight to them and feels very secure. One alter had a big gym room padded all around with sealed windows high at the ceiling. Another alter in the same person, saw a lovely all pink room with no doors or windows. No one can see them go in or out of the safe place.
It is imperative to include here that your client may not be a Christian. It is fascinating to note that few people have refused our offer to invite Jesus Christ to do this. It is also true that even Christian clients may have some alters who are terrified of Him. This is because perpetrators have costumed to mimic God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, and then did unspeakable atrocities to the children. The purpose, of course, is to condition the child to never be able to trust the pure, agape loving, gentle Lord Jesus. In this case, alters who do trust Him can invite His help and the others do not have to do so. As the decliners become co-conscious and witness more of His healing and power, they are able to choose to trust Him for short periods of time. As they agree to lengthen these times, they soon trust to receive the fullness of His loving kind help.
“Many of the techniques for establishing safety in the external world can be applied to the internal world.”
Let us focus upon the external environment now. Give a homework assignment to look around the client’s home and workplace to identify anything which feels uncomfortable or even questionable. Instruct them to remove it from their environment as soon as possible. Even if it has sentimental value or is a special gift from a friend or heirloom of a relative, it is not worth keeping if it slows down their healing. If they are unsure if something should be sold, given away or destroyed, it can be stored far away. When they are stronger and wiser, they can later decide its disposition. This is a good time to introduce them to the rewards of careful journaling.
“A team approach is ideal for supporting a person through their journey to integration.”
A team approach is ideal for supporting a person through their journey to integration. I received a phone call from a pastor who had attended a DID class I had taught at a prayer counseling school in Germany. He was excited because at last he understood what he and the team at his church were actually dealing with. He and his wife, one therapist, and two loving intercessors had weekly supported a lady in their congregation for two years. The progress was slow and took its toll. He persuaded me to spend my last evening in his country ministering with them. Those four hours were like fireworks. The precious shattered person was so well prepared by the sincere and persistent support of her team, that Holy Spirit was able to work through me to break a program which had kept her in a wheel chair for years. I shall never forget the auto headlights spotlighting her glorious smile as she stood in front of the church in the heavy snowfall waving good-bye. That congregation is a model for how ”church” needs to function. The client is now ministering to others to set them free! The church is sponsoring seminars to educate others about DID.
The typical team may also include medical personnel, nutritionists, pastors, safe family members, and friends. Parole officers are often involved especially with male clients because they have often been programmed for illegal activities, ie drug trafficking etc. Even support groups for specific addictions may be helpful since most DID persons are poly addicted. The team prevents “burnout” of limited numbers of support people and helps train the client to learn to trust again.
The client’s discernment may be flawed in the beginning of healing so it may be helpful for discerning team members to do a walk through home assessment for problems with the client.
There may be things in the workplace stetting which cannot be changed, but encourage your client at least to ask for alternatives.
“Relationships are vital for healing. The value of a faithful and dedicated spouse cannot be underestimated. I tell my clients that they must have support for this journey.”
Relationships are vital for healing. Many people whom I have worked with have literally had no friends. They often were friendly enough, but if a person crossed them or did anything perceived by the client as controlling or harmful, they delivered such a nasty defense reaction that would be friends or friends quit the relationship. I tell my clients that they must have support for this journey. One lady was sure that was impossible and there was none for her. After some questioning, she remembered an elderly woman in a previous church who had shown her compassion and had offered to help in any way possible. The client was sure she would change her mind if she knew the real problem. I was able to convince her to give it a try by coaching her on how to educated the woman and explain her supportive role. The woman’s response way,” What a fascinating situation for you to be in. When we are finished, you will know yourself better than most people who are only one.”
In some cases we have prayed that God would provide someone to walk through this journey with them. One such healing journey companion accompanied the client every other week for three years to her sessions. Then the tables were turned and she was supported by the client through a bout with cancer. How beautiful is that?
The value of a faithful and dedicated spouse cannot be underestimated. The nightmares and night alters can be a great challenge for a spouse. One dear man, was taught not to immediately touch his wife to comfort her after a nightmare awakening but to keep his distance and gently question who was so afraid. If it were a child alter, his language and approach matched the situation. A wife learned to recognize the little boy in her husband. Instead of being so angry with his ineffective reasoning, she was able to learn what was so frightening for the little boy, give support and comfort and assure her adult husband they were capable of managing this issue together with God’s help.
Some relationships may also have to be avoided for a season or given up altogether for safety. Encourage your client to think about the great extent of wonderful giftings with which they were created. Help them to believe they are as wonderful as they are and that many people would like to be their friends. Help them to see the advantage of thinking as one rather than many. Split second decisions are often required to be safe. Dissociative people are belabored with difficult decision making. Just this single item reduces safety.
One day a client presented quite distressed because a family wedding was being held in her home town and her mother wanted her to stay in her home.. Many children inside were terrified and believed their adult self would betray them by putting them in danger in her childhood house. She wanted to attend the wedding but feared that her Mother would demand that she sleep in the same bedroom where for years, she was incested by her father. Her Mother had always denied that fact. We role played the phone call to the Mother to request to sleep in the guest room. She was assigned to study assertiveness. She practiced to assertively state, “ I would be happy to stay with you and sleep in the guest room or I can stay at a hotel.” Her husband agreed to support her in this even though the hotel was a financial burden. The mother reluctantly agreed in a telephone conversation, but upon arrival, insisted the guest room idea was crazy. Her own room was available and all prepared. The client later reported feeling giant butterflies in her tummy while she responded with her assertive statement three times! The mother angrily threw up her hands and gave in. VICTORY!!! She was able to use the same techniques in other situations during the visit. It is important to us to guide the client to realize they do have power now, can say “no”, and look for alternatives especially in perceived or real unsafe situations. She loved her mother and wanted relationship with her. She also leaned it was vital for all of her to be safe. Much strength and bonding was gained throughout the systems as a result.
Interiorly, it is common for people to make alters inside who represent those who have hurt them. These parts often have the job of reinforcing programs. They may punish other alters for thoughts or actions contrary to the system belief system or program indoctrination. They may be all human, part human and part demon, or fully demon. The Getting to Know All About Me DVDby Sandra Skinner-Young, addresses tools for greater trust building among alters. The store has it in the Advanced Conference for DID listings.
“Teach the client how to do warfare against the demonic in themselves. Be sure to include the specificity required with familiar spirits.”
Teach the client how to do warfare against the demonic in themselves. Be sure to include the specificity required with familiar spirits. Pray and ask Holy Spirit to separate their humanity from the bound non-human and any other synthetics or dis-embodied human spirits. The idea of a dis-embodied human spirit is highly controversial. This is not the time or place to discuss it. For expediency sake, if someone believes something, it is very real. In Matthew 17:20 He (Jesus) replied, “Because you have so little faith, I tell you the truth. If you have faith small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘ move from here to there’ and it will move.” (International Version). Simply put, witchcraft and other occultic entities believe that a dying person can attach to a living person, ideally a chosen child, and in that way have eternal life.
An effective prayer is to ask Holy Spirit to cocoon in His love for a season, any alters who may be considered dangerous. This is a dramatic event and when the alter is released by God, they are significantly changed. This is a cocoon of a living word from scripture to benefit the person. This promise is held onto, meditated upon, visualized as accomplished and confessed while serving the Lord until that transformation of the one cocooned is complete. After all, that part is really the person who needs to conform to the newly chosen life of freedom. We were inspired to adapt and use this technique in our ministry after reading Pastors Bonnie and Mahesh Chavda’s testimonies. They reported that the cocoon of God’s word took them from the caterpillar experience of walking in subjection to the impossible disaster before them to the butterfly experience of being seated in heavenly places reigning and ruling with Christ in victory.
Since most DID clients have many health issues, it is common to need medical care. The fears of going to a doctor’s appointment, climbing into the dental chair, going to a hospital or having a procedure, especially involving needles, can be overwhelming. Much of their trauma may have happened in such settings. This is especially true for installing highly technical mind control conducted as “research “ in our prestigious university hospitals and military bases. Drugs are often used in rituals for Satanic Ritual Abuse. See our bibliography resources for more information on research and mind control or get the DVD and outline booklet: Infiltration of the Church by Sandra Skinner-Young.
It is important for us to advocate for our clients with health professionals. We can well empower these victims with short speeches which they can learn to deliver to medical personnel. These tools can be used when making an appointment and also at the time of the appointment. This information helps the patient feel less fearful and orients the medical personnel of the specific needs and sensitivities of the patient. We have had very good results using such tools. It has been encouraging to me to learn that seminars on “The Abused Patient” are now being offered to medical professionals by their professions. The A.C.A.C.I.A. Wholiness Institute has offered such seminars to lay people, as well as, professionals on this topic.
There are so many scriptures which are powerful for girding up the spirit in strength and safety. Psalm 18 and 19 are some of my favorites. Many of my clients have memorized these to declare during times of fear.
“It is also vital that the therapist or prayer counselor is equipped with and practices the principles of personal and professional safety.”
It is also vital that the therapist or prayer counselor is equipped with and practices the principles of personal and professional safety. Sandra Skinner-Young addresses “Protection for the Counselor” in The Advanced Conference on DID materials in our store.
It would take a book to cover most aspects of safety. I hope this article has been food for thought and has served you well. Bless you as you serve as the heart and hands of Jesus.