The Original Person

Categorised in: Insights
Psalm 139 tells us that we have been created in the image of God. That is to say we have his characteristics. It goes on to say that we are marvelously formed. Creator God is Spirit. We have a personal spirit. In order to communicate well with God, our spirit must be able to function. Many who have extensive experience working with the human spirit concur that our spirit seems to be mature even at conception.
The person God creates at the time of conception by the combination of the ova and sperm which carry the genetic material which will determine the uniqueness of the individual is the Original Person. God is The Creator and creates out of fiat. That means that he has nothing to start with. But he created the first human beings with their genetic pools. Since we are made in His image, we are also able to create, only from something we already have. This Original Self once was referred to as the “core personality”. The Original Person is the one who creates the initial splits or dissociations from himself or herself. These splits are usually called alters or parts. They are created to accomplish a specific job. In this manner, the Original Person is able to deny the danger or task at hand and essentially escape inside themselves or sometimes outside as well. The outside escape is material for later articles, not now. It seems to the Original Person as though they have not been a victim of nor participated in an event when an alter which they created does that aspect of life. Of course it is really all the same person! But, it often looks, sounds, feels and is even perceived by other people as though they are not the same person.
The ultimate goal of a wholesome therapy and prayer counseling is to integrate or bring all the parts of the self back together in unity as they were originally designed. A major milestone in the healing process is when the Original Person chooses to take full responsibility [maturity] for their life and no longer needs to believe someone else was responsible or that they are incapable of fully doing their life.