Shake It Up

Categorised in: Insights
It is good to be with you again. This article is very different from the previous ones. As I prepared to write, an A.C.A.C.I.A. team member and I decided that it was important to talk about the “worldly now,” that is so pressing—and could even be oppressing you. More importantly, to offer hope and peaceful calm, that is the “Godly now” forever, for those who know Jesus Christ and His Word.
It is the end of August, 2016, a very fast summer for me. What about you? The news is full of the political battle of the upcoming USA presidential election, natural disasters, the Summer Olympics’ escapades, looming financial collapse, and outbreaks of violence around the globe. Non- main stream news informs us of Planet X /Nibiru and the resultant devastation of our planet as it passes Earth (Revelation 6: 12-17), exposure of the Nephilim among us, preparations for internment of thousands of people, how to survive without electricity, the rise of the Anti-Christ and the exposé of the Global Elite’s evilly debased entertainment with child victims. A lot of this can be found on YouTube if you are interested, but be wise, all programs do not present the truth. (Suggested viewing would include Tom Horn, Chris Putnam, L.A. Marzulli, Dr. Nick Albertini, and Steve Quale.)
I am on a coalition against human slavery in our region. The buying and selling of human beings is now the second largest producer of money in the world. Illegal Drugs sales are number one.
The Book of Revelation talks about pharmakeia as a major indicator of the end times. This is the Greek word for pharmacy; some translations use the word sorcery in the English but this word is different from the word sorcery in other parts of the Bible. This pharmakeia is found in Revelation 9:21, 18:23,21:8 and 22:15. Did you know that God promises a special blessing to anyone who reads all the Book of Revelation? You do not have to be a Christian to get the blessing. Go for it! An excellent teacher of the Word of God, Jim Leuschen, offers a study of this book for those who want to more fully understand what they read in the Bible. See New Covenant Fellowship, Spokane Washington.
Dagmar, the founder and director of the A.C.A.C.I.A. branch in Germany, has asked for prayer for their protection and for their country. Marauding groups of immigrants are terrorizing their country as they rape, kill, and intimidate the population. Even hospital staff are threatened and harmed as they treat the families. Women physicians and nurses are rejected as unqualified to give treatment due to their gender.
A dear friend and colleague shared with me that the usual types of clients coming for counseling are the broken, the homeless and the mentally ill, but now most new clients are ordinary people who are shaken and destabilized by the uncertainty of times in which we live.
People in the first century looked for the return of Christ and thought they lived in the end times due to the mass persecution of the Christians at that time. Two thousand years have passed and each generation has had similar ideas, especially when history reveals atrocities of nation against nation, programs and the holocaust. The Christian Crusades were a terrible blight on Christianity because they in no way followed the example of Christ Jesus. Thank God for those Christians who have traveled the world asking forgiveness of the people whose ancestors were so terribly persecuted by the crusaders.
Jesus always invites a person to choose to believe in Him as Lord and Savior so that we may have eternal life and rule with Him forever. He grieves if a person chooses to reject Him because He loves each of us so much and wants only the best for us. He never threatens to chop off our heads if we reject Him.
I am not a theologian but the great scholars of the Bible have clearly identified the specific prophesies which must be fulfilled before the return of Christ. They teach that all have been fulfilled at this time. When He returns, first, He will resurrect and give new bodies to those who have believed in Him and have died and gather those true believers who are still alive, along with those who were dead [Matthew 24:29-31, 37-44] and take them with Him away from this dimension of Earth. Then, when Israel finally stands alone in the world and has no more hope, she will call “Baruch Haba”( blessed is He who comes) recognizing Jesus Christ as the Messiah, and then Jesus Christ will return to rescue the Jewish People and His land of Israel. Then His rule on earth will begin.
That was a zip trip into my understanding of the end times in which we seem to be living. You may not believe or like the truth of the Bible or think there is a good God who only wants the best for His adopted children (Christians). I certainly do not fully understand or even like all of it, but I do know without a doubt, that it is only my ignorance which produces the dislike because Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) promises all of us, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
An intern who never read a newspaper or newsy magazines was being challenged by a neighbor as an “irresponsible ignorant citizen of the world”. The intern replied, “There are earth quakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, wars and rumors of wars!” The neighbor was amazed and asked how the intern knew so much. The intern replied that it is all in the Bible, a much better read and not politically twisted.
Several years ago the recognized Christian Office of Prophet people were warning the world that God is real, still on His throne and is not going to tolerate the evil upon this earth much longer. There will be a shaking of everything. We are now experiencing “the shaking”.
I much prefer the salad dressings I make to commercial dressings. There is always the need to shake the oil with the other contents to make it delicious and most practical. The Holy Spirit is often metaphorically presented as oil. Today, it is vital that we allow Holy Spirit to shake us with Him. We need to be totally combined with His Presence in order to share His wisdom, power, discernment of evil and to receive His peace, hope, joy, strength and everlasting loving kindness. When we are mixed thoroughly with Christ Jesus, we have the peace which passes understanding, even in the threat of death.
For those of you who have been programmed [against your will as little ones] for certain positions of authority or to do certain tasks for the upcoming New World Order, there is probably a disturbing sense of “ something is about to happen”. That something could be activation of your programs. You do not have to be a mind controlled slave mindlessly doing the bidding of someone else.
The Creator of all that is, was or ever will be, knows your name, every detail of your life and what evil instructions have been placed in your subconscious and unconscious mind. Ask Him to reveal what is there to give you a chance to choose to keep believing it and therefore doing it, or not. A program is a way of thinking.
Why am I telling you this now? The best time to recover memories which have been hidden is when something triggers them to a conscious level of awareness. It may be like a quick flashback, a dream, or full blown awareness of something which seems foreign to you. This is prime time to have that intimate chat with your inner selves. Get acquainted and learn their function, intent and their “friend’s or associate’s” identities [these may be inside or outside]. What you do not know will potentially hurt you. You have a right to make the decisions for your life, not to be operated like a robot by a program designed for another’s goals.
I will be presenting some helpful tools for easier connecting with Jesus of Nazareth in future video clips. I hope you will visit and learn to use them. We are working on getting new resources dealing with fear in our store.
In conclusion, we are in the best position when we keep our eyes on Jesus Christ and not the circumstances (Luke 21:34-38). Even if and when we are brought to court or put into prison or persecuted, we can depend upon the promise in Luke 21:12-19.
Remember the God I serve (and I hope you do too) is not the god of the dead but The God of the Living. Luke20:27-38
I pray this message has brought understanding of some of your feelings and thoughts at this time, and more importantly, has given you direction and increased strength for today and tomorrow.
Respectfully in Christ,