Basic Healing Concepts 2

Categorised in: Foundational Teaching
Laws of Sowing and Reaping
Hello. I am glad that we could meet again. Last time in # 1 we discussed unresolved trauma which can be unknown to us but still cause a lot of problems in our lives. Did you make time to think about the times your problems have repeated? Now we are going to get acquainted with the laws of sowing and reaping.
Deuteronomy: 5:16 Honor (try to love, respect, forgive) your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you; that your days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee in the land which the Lord your God gives you.
*This law has a promise attached to it. I know it may be difficult for some of you to respect your parents because they are not honorable. I will be addressing this issue in future articles.
Galatians :6:7 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.”
Example: This means that if you steal items/time from your employer, if and when you have employees, they will also steal from you.
Romans: 2:1 “…for in that you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.”
Example: I really like to use this law to help me see my blind spots in my own less than perfect self. Those things about another person which really irritate or bug us often are the same things we are doing but are usually unaware of.
Matt: 7:1-2 “Do not judge (condemn) lest you be judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you.”
Example: This one is really heavy but just. God is a just lawmaker. Essentially, it means if I
start gossip which destroys someone’s friendship, then someone else will start gossip about me which will destroy one of my friendships.
Hosea: 8:7 “For they sow the wind and they reap the whirlwind.”
Example: Sometimes this law is referred to as the law of multiplication. Think about the last example about gossip. According to this law, when we sowed the bad behavior [sin] of gossiping, it caused one friendship to be broken. With this law in action, when we reap, more than one of our friendships may be broken. During ministry we notice that the longer a sowing of a bitter root is allowed to continue, the worse or bigger it gets. This is sometimes call bad fruit.
Obedience is central to all life. God is sovereign and we are His creation. All limitations [His laws] are for our well being and happiness. It may not feel like it at times, but looking back we can see that He is always right. Do not forget that as we sow honesty, compliments, helps, generosity, and other “good roots” the laws work in the same way to our benefit. YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Believe it or not, a majority of our PAIN is caused by lies we believe about ourselves, others, God or other aspects of life. All sins are a form of a lie. Another way of saying it is that the lies produce some of our pain. Oh sure, if you slam your toe into a steel post you will have pain. There are other causes of pain too, like disease processes etc. I am talking about holding a belief system contrary to God’s Holy Bible Truth.
Now, I would like you to get your list of problems. Select one. I encourage you to ask Holy Spirit to help you remember when that problem has happened before. You do not have to be a Christian to do this. God knows every split second detail of your life! Does that just seem totally impossible? Only God can! I could keep you here for hours or days, even, telling you wonderful stories of the times I have experienced Holy Spirit revealing past details to my clients to provide a way of healing for them.
It may seem as though nothing happens. Be patient. It is important to give importance to all your senses and thoughts. Do you remember “body memories” on the list of clues? You may suddenly have a pain somewhere, or have a taste in your mouth. You might hear something or see a flash of a picture. Emotions often become evident such as fear or anger. Sometimes people start to cry for no apparent reason. People report their heart to be beating faster or can actually see marks on their skin. All of these are important to note.
NOTE: Every problem may not have a long history. We are especially interested in problems which keep happening again and again.
What idea do you have now? Can you make sense of it? Do you remember the situation?
We will feature tools to make this discovery process more comfortable in the “Insights” section.
If it seems too scary, ask Jesus to hold the memory for you until you can be with someone safe and capable of supporting you through discovery of your truth. Our Wonderful Counselor, Holy Spirit will not require you to re-experience all of the trauma.The purpose of visiting a trauma to some degree is to identify what you decided in the situation. You see, what we believe is what places us into bondage or freedom.
Once you understand what happened and what you believed, ask Holy Spirit if it is true. I was thoroughly shocked the day I learned that reality is not necessarily truth. I will let you think about that for a while.
If the belief system is not in agreement with the Holy Bible, it must not be true. I realize that there seems to be incongruence and contradictions in the Bible. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah [Genesis 19] certainly did not make sense to people in the 1800’s but once we viewed the results of atomic bombs in the 20th Century, it was easy to understand the story. It is also easy now with satellites and televisions to understand how it will be possible in the tribulation days for the whole world to view an event somewhere across the globe at the some time. Perhaps it is possible that we have just not caught up yet with the truths in the Bible.
If the belief system is not true, then you believe a lie and that is a sin. For example, did you decide that you were to blame because a child hurt itself during a meeting in an office with a lot of mothers one evening? Sometimes we were not guilty and other times we made cruel decisions or negative conclusions [judgments] about someone or something.
Whenever we sin there is an open opportunity for evil entities, demons, to attach to that sin and to cause us exaggerated trouble in that area. How do we get rid of the lie….sin…..maybe even evil attachments?
We activate the HEALING PROCESS. We will get acquainted with it next time. Meanwhile, get out the other 2 problems and see what you can learn about their bitter roots. Blessings!