Financial Gifts to ACACIA
Your gifs are gratefully welcome! Financial gifts can be made out to A.C.A.C.I.A. LLC. We offer Pay Pal, Inc. as a convenience for credit card payments.
Non- USA contributions need to be in the form of a bank cashier’s check made out in US Dollars. From time to time we will give a specific description of a physical need for equipment, space, etc. to give you opportunity to serve us as well as possible.
The initial planning for A.C.A.C.I.A. included its legal structure. We held a Summit Meeting composed of intelligent, successful people who are interested in the ministry to glean their wisdom. We learned that less than 2% of the population give gifts only to get a tax write-off. We also understand that dealing with traumatized persons’ safety is of paramount importance–confidentiality is an aspect of safety. Non-profit structures [501(c)(3) etc.] have many advantages, such as offering tax write-offs for gifts or donations, but their non-profit status requires that financial information is public and accessible. The decision was made to structure A.C.A.C.I.A. as a limited liability company (LLC) for greater comfort of privacy for our clients.
Your gracious generosity is thankfully received, however, since there is no tax write-off for gifting to A.C.A.C.I.A., we do not provide a year-end summary of gifts. Thank you for appreciating our decision.