The A.C.A.C.I.A. LLC Logo was designed by internationally renowned artist Jean Shen of Brushwork.

In the fall of 2004, Jean was commissioned by Sandra Skinner-Young to create a logo for A.C.A.C.I.A.  In October of 2004 the Lord gave Jean a healing painting-word of an acacia tree.

The Acacia is one of the largest genera of trees and shrubs in the world, with nearly 800 species.  The Greek word for Acacia signifies the moral quality or purity of life.  It also symbolizes immortality of the soul since it is an evergreen and never yields to the ravages of changing seasons.  The Acacia Tree has the capacity to survive in the most severe drought or to gigantically flourish when it is in a nurturing environment.  History astounds us with the resilience of human beings.  The sciences have shown that purity of life produces greater health for the whole planet.

The Ark of the Covenant and all sacred furnishing were obediently made of acacia wood and then covered with gold, which represents great worth and purity.  It is a hard wood with an oily substance, which deters most insects.  The Lord speaks of himself as the Tree of Life and oil often represents the Holy Spirit.  As Holy Spirit transforms Christians into new creatures (sanctified or holy and being of great worth), the demonic insects have less success in their attacks.

Its magnificently fragrant blossoms of either cluster of white (purity) or yellow (gold) and have been gathered for centuries to make perfumes.  They attract numerous insect pollinators.  The fragrance of the Lord is delightful and attracts many to the kingdom.  Some varieties have beautiful fern-like leaves with huge thorns.  The thorns are even used to make jewelry.  Our protection in the Lord is powerfully valuable and beautiful.

As Jean was painting, she felt the call to pray for those whose minds have been broken through trauma and mind control and who have been crying out to be made whole again.

“There is such compassion in the Lord’s heart for these broken people.  He is saying to them, ‘Be of good cheer!  I hold your world in My hand.  I was there in your past world and I will be there in your future world.  Nothing can separate Me from you.  Come be a little child in My lap.  Let me tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.  I have paid for everything you went through.  You can release them to Me.  Forgive those who have tormented you and forgive yourself.  At every level of your healing, you have the right to enjoy intimacy with Me and you have the right to be an overcomer. Hebrews 10: 8-23 and Romans 8:23-39 are yours.’”

In this painting of the acacia tree, Jean has painted seven main branches and seven roots.  Seven (7) is the number of God’s perfection.  The roots symbolize our connection to our Jewish roots.  She has painted the large thorns that grow beside the yellow-white blossoms.  Acacia trees have the capacity to survive in the most severe drought; the hardy wood repels insects.  The Ark of the Covenant and all the sacred furnishings were made of acacia wood and then covered with gold.  Jean painted a sky of purple, deep blue and scarlet, colors which show royalty and the kingliness of our Lord.  The green color speaks of life.  It is a painting of our wholeness in the Lord.

Jean Shen has been a prophetic artist for the Lord since He called her in 1993 to be “a court painter painting for the King.” You may view the prophetic painting-words on her website: .   She can be contacted through or phone 848.453.7581 or write: PO Box 221058, San Diego, California, 92192  USA.